
Name : Valentino Santucci
Speciality : Evolutionary Computation, Metaheuristics, Computational Intelligence, Natural Language Processing, Optimization, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Algorithms, Advanced Machine Learning, Optimization Methods, Computer Vision, Multiobjective Optimization
Email :
Affilation : Associate Professor, University for Foreigners of Perugia, Piazza Fortebraccio 4, 06123 Perugia, Italy

Valentino Santucci (Ph.D.) is an Associate Professor of Computer Engineering at the University for

Foreigners of Perugia (Italy), where he is the Prorector for Technological Innovation from 2021. He

received his Ph.D. in Computer Science and Mathematics from the University of Perugia (Italy) in 2012.

His main research interests are in the broad areas of Artificial Intelligence and Computational

Intelligence. In particular, the focus of his research is on evolutionary computation and combinatorial

optimization, though other areas of interest include natural language processing, machine learning, and

their applications to both digital education and sustainability related problems. He is also an enthusiast

of technology-enhanced learning methods. He has authored over sixty scientific publications, organised

special sessions and workshops at international conferences, and served as editor and guest editor for

WoS/Scopus indexed scientific journals. Finally, he has taught artificial intelligence, computer science

and information technology at the University for Foreigners of Perugia, the University of Perugia and

the Hong Kong Baptist University.