
The journal allows the author(s) to hold the copyright and to retain publishing rights without restrictions. Submission of an original copy suggests that the work portrayed has not been PUBLISHED previously (with the exception of as an abstract or as a component of a PUBLISHED lecture, or thesis) and that it isn't getting considered for publication somewhere else. All works PUBLISHED by Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Articles are published in open access. There are no associated subscriptions or pay-per-view fees. and all Open Access articles are distributed under the terms of the ( Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided that the original work is properly cited.

1. Copyright policy and permissions

1.1 Scientific misconduct and other fraud
Scientific misconduct is described by the Editorial Board as "fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, or other procedures that severely differ from those that are universally recognised within the academic community for proposing, conducting, or reporting research". The Editors reserve the right to punish the authors in situations where there is a suspicion or accusation of scientific misconduct or fraudulent research in publications submitted or published, including:

  • a prompt rejection of the manuscript;
  • prohibiting the author(s) from submitting their work to the journal for a while;
  • retracting the manuscript;

Only original articles that haven't already been published or aren't planning to be published elsewhere are published in this magazine. Duplicate submissions or publications, as well as redundant publications (which repackage data already published by the same authors in different wording), will be denied. Journal reserves the right to issue a Retraction Note if they are fo

1.2 Plagiarism

We have given the journal plagiarism detection tools since we adhere to COPE criteria ( ). The editors will adhere to international standards for plagiarism when it is found in a submitted manuscript.

1.3 Retraction Policy

An article will be retracted if it contains serious inaccuracies and violates ethical standards for professionals. This will happen in cases where the material is obviously libellous, violates the legal rights of others, is the subject of a court order or there is cause to believe it will be, or when acting on the article could seriously endanger one's health. Any retraction in any of these scenarios will be communicated to all coauthors. The original article will be linked to a Retraction Notice that explains the rationale for retraction.

1.4 Conflict of Interest

All authors, referees, and editors are required to disclose any affiliations that might present a conflict of interest in relation to the paper in order to promote transparency without hindering publication. There shouldn't be any legal obligations or confidential information that would prevent a submitted manuscript's contents from being published. Anything that prevents the thorough and unbiased presentation, review, or publication of research findings or of articles that comment on or review research findings is considered to be a competing interest for a scientific journal. When an author, editor, or reviewer has financial, personal, or professional interests in a publication that could sway their scientific judgement, potential conflicts of interest occur. Conflicts of this kind include, but are not limited to:

  • Financial conflicts include ownership of stocks, patents, paid employment or consulting, board membership, funding for research, travel, honoraria for speaking at gatherings, and gifts.
  • Personal conflicts include connections to editors, editorial board members, or potential reviewers who have recently or currently collaborated with the authors, provided feedback on manuscript draughts, are directly competing with the writers, or have a history of disagreement with the authors.
  • Professional conflicts include membership on a government advisory board or committee, relationships with organizations and funding sources, and public ties with institutions or firms whose goods or services are connected to the topic of the article.

Any conflicts of interest that might have affected how the experimental results or conclusions were reported in the publication should be disclosed by the authors. Such statement shall set forth all prospective interests or, when appropriate, shall disclose the absence of any such interests. Where we think the competing interests may have jeopardised the study, the analysis, or the interpretations provided, the editors may opt not to publish the papers. Authors have the option to request that certain editors or reviewers not participate in the peer review of their work. Authors are responsible for disclosing any funding sources for the project or other relationships that are pertinent in the Acknowledgements section. The Conflicts of Interest Form should be completed by authors and sent electronically to the Journal Editor.

Editors should think about whether any of the aforementioned competing interests apply to them and the paper they are reviewing. Editors should declare their conflicts to them and decline to handle papers if they feel that doing so will prevent them from making sound decisions.

If any of the aforementioned apply to them, reviewers should consider declaring any such competing interests. They should let us know if they feel unable to review a paper due to any conflicting interests. Also, they must disclose any connections to the paper's authors.

The authors are responsible for the published manuscript's content, which has been read, approved, and edited by them following editing and typesetting.

1.5 Authorship

The following four requirements should be met by the authorship of the work:

  • contributions of a significant nature to the idea or design of the work, or to the collection, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work.
  • drafting the piece or critically editing it for key intellectual content.
  • final approval of the published version.
  • Consent to take responsibility for all aspects of the work in order to guarantee that any concerns about the accuracy or integrity of any portion of the work are duly investigated and addressed.

The authors must make sure that everyone listed in the acknowledgements is okay with their inclusion. Editors of AAIML reserve the right to request that the related author get written consent from each individual to be credited.


1.6 Ghostwriting and guest authorship

One of an editor's responsibilities is to stop ghostwriting, guest posting, and honorary authorship. This generally pertains to texts that have numerous authors who collaborated on them. The amount and kind of each author's contribution to the text in question may be requested of writers when submitting papers for publication in AAIML. Every single case of ghostwriting, guest authorship, and honorary authorship that is found will be made public, and authors who engage in such behaviour will face the aforementioned penalties.

2. Post publication corrections

2.1 Correction and Retraction Policy

Some articles may need to be corrected after they are published for a variety of reasons. They can be anything from minor inaccuracies to more major concerns with ethics and copyright. The many types of error are handled in the following manner by Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in compliance with the rules set forth by the Committee on Publication Ethics.

·       Amendment

·      Correction article

·       Retraction article - Retraction & Withdrawal

In order to reduce demands for post-publication edits:

·       When the files are delivered to typesetting, editors should make sure that the author(s) have had a chance to approve their final draught and metadata. It should be made clear that there won't be any more editing allowed.

·       Before sending the final manuscript and metadata to typesetting, editors should thoroughly review them to ensure that they are satisfied with the content.

·       The author or editor will have reviewed all articles' PDF proofs before they are published. This is your last chance to check for minor editorial concerns like typos and layout problems. There is no chance for extensive content modification here.

If you think an article needs to be corrected, kindly get in touch with the Journal/Editorial Manager. We maintain the right to determine what counts as a minor or major issue and whether an item needs to be amended or corrected.


2.2 Amendment

If a very minor content or metadata error is discovered very quickly (often within 48 hours) after publishing AND the publication has not yet been submitted for indexing, Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning may directly edit the article (both in PDF and HTML).

Only glaring and minor errors are permitted for in-line changes. A proper correction must be published for any changes to the scientific substance or other significant metadata concerns (such a change in authorship). If an in-line change is made, the publication may also include a note to inform readers of the change.

If a publication has already been sent to indexing services, in-line modifications will not be allowed to prevent the circulation of multiple versions of the same publication.

2.3 Correction Article

A published article becomes immediately accessible to the general audience. To help with this distribution, we will also send the publishing details and files to several indexes shortly after publication. All corrections must be made public as a separate publication that is linked to the original after this indexing process has started (often within a day or two of publication). This makes sure that the academic record's transparency and integrity are upheld.

A correction article will be published in cases when an error impacts the material provided, the arguments put forth, or the conclusions of an article (but not the validity of the findings), or contains inaccurate information regarding the article's metadata (author list, title, editor, etc.). To formally correct the scientific record and guarantee that metadata mistakes are correctly noted, correction articles are utilised. Corrected articles will be submitted to indexes as normal and will display as an article in the journal's table of contents. To inform readers, a note with a link to the correction will be included in the original article. The editors and/or authors of Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning will create the note's language, and both parties will need to approve it (s). The editor(s) and Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning will decide if the error needs to be fixed by a correction article in consultation with the author.

For insignificant problems, such as small formatting errors or typos, we won't publish Correction articles after indexing because, when the original is unchanged, such a notice just draws attention to a mistake that readers may overlook or easily overlook.

2.4 Retraction

A published paper can be expunged from the scientific record using retractions. Retractions are used in accordance with the recommendations of the Council on Publication Ethics (derived from 0.pdf) when:

·       The findings in the article are unreliable, according to editors, either because of malfeasance (such as fabricating data) or clerical error (e.g. miscalculation or experimental error)

·       The results have already been reported elsewhere without the required cross-referencing, approval, or justification (i.e., instances of redundant or duplicate publication).

·       Article publication constitutes plagiarism

·       Unethical  research is reported in the article.

Retraction articles will be written, approved by the editors, and posted in the same manner as correction articles. The original story will still be available, but a note at the top will inform readers that it has been retracted.

2.5 Retraction & Withdrawal

Rarely, articles will need to be completely or partially deleted from the journal website. Usually, this is done for legal justifications, such copyright violations or moral dilemmas. The original article's metadata and abstract will still be present, but the remaining text will be replaced with a note that links to the retraction article.